
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

UPES Garden Beds Receive Names!

Check out all the new beautiful plaques!

Daisy Girl Scout Troop #71435 donated these signs!


Each of our garden beds now has a unique name!

The plaques will be a huge help for planning, communication, 
and organization of the our vegetable gardens!

The members of
Daisy Girl Scout Troop #71435
are super community helpers!
UPE extends our thanks to Lena Ackerman, Sophia Allocca,
Melaina Breslow, Katie Cecconi, Nicole Cecconi,
Brooklyn Dahlquist, Maddie Ferraro, Ally Garvey,
Kaitlyn Molnar, Ella Nesspor, Avery Porter,
Alexa Van Derzee,
all their parents, as well as,
their Troop Leader, Mrs. Ferraro!

¡ Orta visita!

Esta vez fue para 3ro C.
Llegó la Señora ANA PIETRO con su calor de abuela y nos contó una bella historia familiar. De generación en generación se regalan una almohada y es tanto el sentimiento que le tienen, que no quieren perderla por nada del mundo.Su nieta JUANITA  recibió de regalo de su abuela los primeros escarpines que usó su mamá ESTRELLA y una foto de la primera vez que estuvieron juntas...

Nuestra cosecha

Trabajamos en la huerta cosechando nuestras verduras

Rabanitos, perejil, achicoria

¡¡ felices de ver nuestros logros!!


Plantamos árboles y flores embelleciendo nuestra escuela
Hermosas flores colorean los patios


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Harvest and Planting in June!

Several students from Mrs. Choi's class are helpers in the UPE garden!




Parents Rock at UPES!
Broccoli Bob Rocks, Too!

Outdoor Classroom Construction Photo Update!


Check it out: Mr. Aikens' Class Working Outside!

Great Job Everyone!  Broccoli Bob is proud of your hard work!

 Healthy habits are growing STRONG in Mr. Aikens' Room!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Double Feature: Broccoli Bob Is Going to Argentina and the UPE Courtyard Contruction Begins!

Broccoli Bob is a healthy partner for the kids at UPES.  He helps us out on our garden project!
Bob teaches our students how to make healthy choices!
Dr. Patschke will be bringing Broccoli Bob to Argentina! 
He's going to help her find kids making Healthy Choices in South America!
Bob can't wait to see the Ortiz de Ocampo Garden!!

The UPES Outdoor Classroom is under construction!
 Today a crew started digging out the area where
we will place tables and benches!  Once we have this special area
completed, classes will be able to go outside more often!
We have many plans for summer time too!
We can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!

Monday, June 3, 2013

UPES Video Spot of the Outdoor Classroom & Garden Project!

Mrs. Lare & Mr. Slichter work with our 4th grade students to take care of the UPES garden.  You'll also see some beautiful footage of our pond and courtyard.  Stay tuned for more exciting photos this month as the UPE outdoor classroom adds a patio, tables, and benches for a "learning" area! 

Mrs. Bailey and several UPES students add their thoughts about the garden project to the RCTV Production featuring
"Growing Local and Learning Global!"

Trout Release field trip

Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an environmental program funded by Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC).  Students learned about coldwater conservation while raising brook trout from eggs to fingerlings.  The yearlong project final came to an end with a trout release trip.  Students were able to get wet while conducting a variety of water tests and were able look for aquatic insects.  Even though it was a cold, rainy day, students had a great time and learned about our Pennsylvania waterways.